„Ilustracija govori sve jezike / Illustration speaks all languages”

2,000.00 din.


Edicija: Jezik:

Priredila Senka Vlahović / Edited by Senka Vlahović

Nagrade Festivala ilustracije knjige BookILL fest 2012–2017”

Awards of the Book Illustration Festival BookILL fest 2012–2017”


msr Senka Vlahović

Edited by
A. Senka Vlahović


Slobodan Ivkov
mr Sibila Petenji Arbutina

Reviewed by
Slobodan Ivkov

A. Sibila Petenji Arbutina


Povodom izložbe „Nagrade Festivala ilustracije knjige BookILL fest 2012–2017”
Galerija Banatskog kulturnog centra, april 2017.
u okviru projekta Gradovi u fokusu
uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije i Opštine Novi Bečej

On the occasion of the exhibition
“Awards of the Book Illustration Festival BookILL fest 2012–2017”
Banat Cultural Center Gallery, April 2017
within the project Cities in focus
with support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and the Municipality of Novi Bečej

Ilustracija početkom trećeg milenijuma doživljava svojevrsni procvat koji joj omogućavaju različiti faktori koje vreme u kojem živimo nosi: virtuelno okruženje koje je svakom segmentu ljudskog delovanja, pa i ilustrovanju, dalo potpuno nove mogućnosti za plasman i komunikaciju sa ciljnim grupama; okolnosti u samoj umetnosti gde se brišu granice visoke i popularne umetnosti a umetničko delo se već odavno tretira kao tekst i deo komunikacijskog procesa (a ilustracija, kao vekovima razrađivan odnos slike i reči, koristeći moćan komunikacijski kod – vizuelni kod, predstavlja vizuelni tekst okružen različitim kontekstima); zatim povećanje broja izdanja svake vrste izdavašta, naročito on-line izdavašta; povećanje ponude na tržištu svih vrsta roba, gde i ilustracija nalazi svoje mesto na svakodnevnim upotrebnim predmetima, ambalaži i sl. na vrhuncu ideologije potrošačkog društva; medijska ekspanizija gde je ilustracija itekako zastupljena; svet marketinga, PR-a, brendiranja, kreiranja imidža, nezamisliv bez ilustracije, bije svoju surovu bitku na tržištu svakovrsne ljudske delatnosti.

… ilustracija danas kod pojedinih umetnika i teoritičara biva daleko šire definisana – da je ilustracija svaka vizuelna poruka oko nas, da je svaka slika ilustracija, pa čak i pokretna slika u okviru audio-vizuelne forme, da ona može biti potpuno nezavisna od reči, da sama u sebi sadrži poruku, i da je ravnopravna sa drugim umetničkim oblicima. Ovakvu poziciju ilustracija nije imala ranije, npr. polovinom prošlog veka.

U kontekstu svega navedenog javlja se i fenomen da Festival ilustracije knjige BookILL fest, osnovan u jednoj skromnoj ekonomski, ali ne i duhom, evropskoj državi Srbiji, za veoma kratko vreme dostigne ozbiljne razmere u svakom smislu: teritorijalne rasprostranjenosti, broja autora iz velikog broja zemlja, kvaliteta ilustracija…

Festival ilustracije knjige BookILL fest je statistički gledano za šest godina postojanja zabeležio sledeće vrednosti. Prve 2012. godine na konkurs je pristiglo oko 400 ilustracija od 61 autora, a za izložbu je izabrano oko 150 radova od 47 autora iz Srbije i 10 drugih država. 2017. godine na poslednjem šestom festivalu, vrednosti su sledeće: oko 2000 ilustracija od 188 autora, za izložbu je izabrano 180 radova od oko 150 autora iz Srbije i čak 27 država! Iz navedenog vidimo da se broj pristiglih radova povećao 5 puta, da se broj autora povećao 3 puta, a da se broja država povećao skoro 3 puta.

Sigurno da kvantitet nikada nije važniji od kvaliteta, ali se u ovim ciframa ipak očituje taj fenomen ilustracije, njena mnogostruka polivalentna priroda, njego bogatstvo i moć da prevazilazi barijere, naročito u doba internet komunikacija i digitalne multimedije.

Pogledajte nagrađene ilustracije u ovoj knjizi i doživite nedvosmislenu vizuelnu komunikaciju sa autorima iz Srbije, Engleske, Rusije, Meksika, Portugalije, Francuske, Slovenije, Hrvatske, Rumunije, Kine, Španije… Osetite duh knjiga u kojima su objavljene, doživite emocije njihovih junaka, drame pesničkih subjekata i nevinost dečijih snova, i shvatićete da i vi, kroz ilustraciju, razumete sve jezike sveta!

izvod iz uvodnog teksta Ilustracija šalje moćan komunikacijski kod
msr Senka Vlahović, osnivač i direktor festivala


At the beginning of the third millennium, illustration is experiencing a unique boom made possible by different factors borne by the time in which we are living: virtual surroundings which provided every segment of human action, and therefore illustration as well, with entirely new possibilities for placement and communication with target groups; circumstances in art itself, in which the boundaries between fine and popular art are being erased, with artwork already being treated as text and as part of the communication process for a long time (and with illustration, as a relationship between images and words that was elaborated for centuries, by using a powerful communication code – the visual code, representing visual text surrounded by various contexts); followed by an increase in the number of editions of every type of publication, especially on-line publication; an increase in the market supply of all types of merchandise, with illustration also finding its place on everyday household items, packaging and the like, on the apex of the ideology of the consumer society; the media expansion within which illustration is unquestionably present; the world of marketing, PR, branding, brand creation, unimaginable without illustration, fights its harsh battle on the market of various human activity.

… illustration is, today, defined in a far wider manner when it comes to certain artists and theorists – illustration is every visual message surrounding us, every image is an illustration, even an animated image within the audio-visual form, it can be completely independent from words, it can contain a message inside its very self and it is equal to other art forms. This position did not belong to illustration at an earlier time, for example in the middle of the last century.

In the context of everything that was said above appears the phenomenon of the Festival of Book Illustration BookILL fest, founded in the economically, but not spiritually, modest, European state of Serbia, that reached, for a very short time, serious proportions in every sense: in territorial distribution, the number of authors from a large number of countries, the quality of illustrations…

The Festival of Book Illustration BookILL fest has, statistically speaking, achieved the following numbers during its six years of existence. In the first year, 2012, the competition has received around 400 illustrations by 61 authors, and around 150 works by 47 authors from Serbia and 10 other countries were selected for the exhibition. In 2017, during the last, sixth Festival, these numbers are as follows: around 2000 illustrations by 188 authors, with 180 works by around 150 authors from Serbia and as much as 27 countries selected for the exhibition! It is obvious from the above that the number of submitted works has increased 5 times, that the number of authors has increased 3 times and that the number of countries has increased nearly 3 times.

Quantity is certainly never more important than quality, but these figures still do reflect this phenomenon of illustration, its multiple polyvalent nature, its wealth and power to overcome barriers, especially in the era of internet communications and digital multimedia.

See the award-winning illustrations in this book and experience the unequivocal visual communication with authors from Serbia, England, Russia, Mexico, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, China, Spain… Feel the spirit of the books in which they were published, experience the emotions of their characters, the drama of the subjects of poetry and the innocence of children’s dreams, and you will realize that you too, through illustration, understand every language of the world!

excerpt from the introductory text Illustration sends a powerful communication code
M.A. Senka Vlahović, Director and Founder of the Festival




136 str.




20 cm

Godina izdanja:


